Monday, July 25, 2011

Half way slump...

So friends, fear not, I have not given up. I am getting pretty behind on my rings (and even farther behind with my posting of the ones I've already made)

A lot has been going on and on top of that my delay comes from a place of not wanting to settle for easy. I have 3 rings that I've started, made a bunch of parts for, but didn't complete because I wasn't "feeling it". Instead of pushing through and making something I wasn't satisfied with, I started with something new to let the ideas cook a bit. This is different from what I had been doing this year, which was pretty much going in with an idea and making a ring within a day once a week. I'm getting back to my process of ideas and development. SO the good news is that I'll probably catch up quick when things click.

More good news: I got my very first Fordom Flex shaft and I am so in love. I've been doing everything via elbow grease for the past year and a half and it is SUCH a relief to be able to get things done quicker and more efficiently.

See you soon with lots to share :)

Love Rae <3

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