Wednesday, July 27, 2011

27-28/52 Just Friends

Finding happiness being alone forces you to see not just the relationships of significant others, but of friends and family as well.

I have been wanting so much to make friends, now, if you're my friend, please understand I love you, but I probably haven't seen you recently. The kind of friends I've been wanting are the kinds I get to be with, to share food and time with.

This pieces is making friends with the opposite sex. It's freaking hard some times! It's hard because I am always on my guard, I don't want anyone to get hurt or mislead and sometimes that leads me to limit how open I am with them. At the same time I don't want to push away a good friend because of my own suspicions.

I took my filigree motif from Circle of Love to depict a deer and a wolf, they are separate and not even facing each other, yet there is still some connection and they are fragile. If you're not careful they will break.

1 comment:

Momma :) said...

That ring is so beautiful, Rae... it really does well to convey the fragility of male/female *friendships*, which when truly are friendships, are very rare!