Sunday, January 09, 2011


Second animal in my "Kawaikute Shinde" series. Inspired by my struggle with life and the frustration of our consumer society. I have had several traumatizing experience in my life from childhood to just this past year which involved the death of a cute animal. We live in a dichotic world where we become emotionally attached to cute and cuddly animals whom we would want to protect, but we have no issue with going to the store and buying them plastic wrapped. The series actually started in 2008 when I had been a vegetarian for half a year, but still struggled greatly with it. I had to suffocate a california brown mouse that was stuck in a sticky trap and it was one of the most traumatizing experiences I've had. I made a ring to commemorate it and remind myself of why I aspire to not eat meat. (Lord knows I still struggle).
My Mouse 2008

I Killed an Angel RAW2011

(If you can't tell by the color of my hands, it's FREEZING in my studio at night!)

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