Friday, January 07, 2011

Bigger and better and bigger!

I can't believe how fast the RAW group has grown. For the first half of the week I was able to view and comment on each piece that was posted... it's become a challenge since so much is being added on a daily basis! On one hand it's certainly exciting, on the other it starts to feel as if one will be lost in the crowd, lets see if I can manage my digital claustrophobia.

We've had our first outside recognition by Lark Crafts that can be seen here: "Ringing in the New Year"

I just got in my new supplies (mostly thin sheet metal) I don't have a rolling mill, it feels strange to purchase thinner sheet when I'm so used to standing at a mill for hours bringing my 16g down to foil. I still need one eventually, as a lover of texture (especially my elk hair texture) I'm feeling inadequate!

I've seen some amazing work so far and to be forthright with you, I have the tendency to be intimidated rather than inspired when I see someone next to me pumping out work far better than mine. I know, I know... I shouldn't. I just have always been a comparer, I'm always critical and never give someone accolades when they're not worthy, including my own work. But lets keep that all hush, hush, I wouldn't want any potential employers or cliental to think I'm not the best they can get ;)

Tomorrow I begin week two's work! even though we're still in week one. I know it's probably only going to last for the first month or so, but I feel like I could be doing 4 rings a week... I have to remind myself that while that is amazing energy, I still have to pay rent and take care of the less desirable things in life. Like laundry. Sigh.

Here is some of the other rings that have appeared for the first week-

1 comment:

AdobeSol said...

It will be a blast! I look forward to following your blog and everyone's progress.